2: Quantum Theory and Electronic Structure of Atoms


Key Topics for TRU students taking CHEM1500

  • classical to quantum theory
  • the photoelectric effect
  • Bohr’s model of the atom
  • dual nature of the electron
  • quantum mechanics
  • quantum numbers
  • atomic orbitals
  • electron configuration
  • the building up (Aufbau) principle


Key Learning Outcomes (Examples)

  • describe the major historical developments that led up to the modern periodic table and the quantum physical understanding of the atom
  • calculate wavelength, frequency and energy of a photon and the energy changes of an electron within a H atom
  • explain Bohr’s theory of the hydrogen atom structure and its relationship to the atomic spectrum of hydrogen
  • relate energy changes of an electron within a H atom to specific regions in the electromagnetic spectrum
  • describe and explain the electronic structure of the atom based on the concept of atomic orbitals
  • perform calculations using the De Broglie relationship and explain the significance of the answers
  • use the quantum number rules to determine the allowable values of quantum numbers and hence relate these to the arrangement of electrons in atoms


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CHEM 1500: Chemical Bonding and Organic Chemistry Copyright © by Open Press, Thompson Rivers University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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