H5P activities list

This book includes 63 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
41crossword 7Crossword
42find the word 7Find The Words
43quiz 17Question Set
44quiz 18Question Set
45crossword 8Crossword
46find the word 8Find The Words
47fill in the blankFill in the Blanks
48drag the wordQuestion Set
49quiz 19Question Set
50quiz 20Question Set
51fill in the blank 2Fill in the Blanks
52quiz 21Question Set
53quiz 22Question Set
54find the word 9Find The Words
55quiz 23Question Set
56crossword 8Crossword
57fill in the blank 3Fill in the Blanks
58drag the word 2Question Set
59quiz 23Question Set
60quiz 24Question Set
1 2 3 4