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1.1.1: Chemistry in Context
1.1.2: Phases and Classification of Matter
1.1.3: Physical and Chemical Properties
1.1.4: Measurements
1.1.5: Measurement Uncertainty, Accuracy, and Precision
1.1.6: Mathematical Treatment of Measurement Results
1.1.E: Essential Ideas of Chemistry (Exercises)
1.2.1: Prelude to Atoms
1.2.2: Early Ideas in Atomic Theory
1.2.3: Evolution of Atomic Theory
1.2.4: Atomic Structure and Symbolism
1.2.5: Chemical Formulas
1.2.6: The Periodic Table
1.2.7: Molecular and Ionic Compounds
1.2.8: Chemical Nomenclature
1.2.E:Early Ideas in Atomic Theory
2.1: Electromagnetic Energy
2.2: Atomic Spectroscopy and The Bohr Model
2.3: The Wavelength Nature of Matter
2.4: Quantum Mechanics and The Atom
2.5: The Shape of Atomic Orbitals
2.6: Electronic Structure of Atoms (Electron Configurations)
2.E.1: Electromagnetic Energy
2: Quantum Theory and Electronic Structure of Atoms
3.1: The Periodic Table
3.2: Periodic Variations in Element Properties
3.E.1:Periodic Variations in Element Properties
3.S: Study Guide
4.1: Ionic Bonding
4.2: Lattice Enthalpies and Born Haber Cycles
4.3: Covalent Bonding
4.4: Lewis Symbols and Structures
4.5: Formal Charges and Resonance
4.6: Strengths of Ionic and Covalent Bonds
4.E.1: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry (Exercises)
4.S: Study Guide
5.1: Molecular Structure and Polarity
5.2: Valence Bond Theory
5.3: Hybrid Atomic Orbitals
5.4: Multiple Bonds
5.5: Molecular Orbital Theory
5.E.1: Molecular Structure and Polarity
5.S: Study Guide
6.1: Intermolecular Forces
6.E: Intermolecular Forces and Liquids and Solids (Exercises)
6.S: Study Guide
7.1.1: Introduction to Organic Chemistry
7.1.2: Development of Chemical Bonding Theory
7.1.3: Describing Chemical Bonds - Valence Bond Theory
7.1.4: sp³ Hybrid Orbitals and the Structure of Methane
7.1.5: sp³ Hybrid Orbitals and the Structure of Ethane
7.1.6: sp² Hybrid Orbitals and the Structure of Ethylene
7.1.7: sp Hybrid Orbitals and the Structure of Acetylene
7.1.8: Hybridization of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus and Sulfur
7.1.9: Describing Chemical Bonds- Molecular Orbital Theory
7.2: Drawing Chemical Structures
7.3: Functional Groups
7.4: Alkanes and Alkane Isomers
7.5.1: Naming Alkanes
7.5.2: Naming Cycloalkanes
7.6: Study Guide
8.1: Types of Isomers
8.2: Chiral Molecules
8.3: Optical Activity
8.4: Absolute Configuration- R-S Sequence Rules
8.5.1: Cis-Trans Isomerism in Alkenes
8.5.2: Sequence Rules - The E,Z Designation
8.6: Study Guide
9.1: Rotation about Single Bonds- Conformations
9.2: Rotation in Substituted Ethanes
9.3: Ring Strain and the Structure of Cycloalkanes
9.4: Cyclohexane- A Strain-Free Cycloalkane
9.5: Substituted Cyclohexanes
9.S: Study Guide